Covid-19 Lockdown: KHT Update

Posted On: 06 Jan 2021

The safety and wellbeing of our employees and clients is of paramount importance to the team at Knox House Trust Limited.  With the latest round of lockdowns we have found it necessary to implement contingency plans in order to mitigate the risks and ensure minimal disruption to our services.

We are closely monitoring the government’s advice (both Isle of Man & UK) and are implementing measures as recommended to protect both our clients, professional contacts, employees and their families in order to maintain operational functionality whilst protecting the welfare of our staff.

Our contingency arrangements have been drawn up to help to minimise the potential spread of the virus on our premises and ensure we can continue to offer our clients and professional contacts the highest levels of service during this difficult period. Our team will continue to monitor the situation daily, and are highly committed to taking further actions should the need arise. Currently, our plans include the following measures:

  • Employees to work from home where possible
  • All company events and travel postponed or cancelled
  • Meetings with external visitors postponed or rearranged over the phone/or by video conference facilities

Being part of the wider Knox group of companies with offices in the UK, we also have the added flexibility of colleagues in other jurisdictions who can be made available to support our service offering if the need arises.

If you wish to raise any queries or concerns with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual KHT contact or email us at or call +44 (0) 1624 631710.

Thank you for your support and assistance during this time.